Application Package


Saint Patrick Regional Secondary School

Instructions for completing the fillable application

  1. Download the Fillable PDF version of the application
  2. Save the PDF to your desktop
  3. Open and complete the PDF (*please note that the Pastor Authorization form must be submitted to your Parish Priest for his signature. If your family is Non-Catholic, then you can sign the document at the bottom).
  4. Click Save
  5. Open your email and create a new message
  6. Please enter in the TO section
  7. Enter the following in the subject line: New Student Application
  8. Attach the PDF from your desktop onto the email and any additional supporting documents
  9. Hit send!
    Please do not forget to pay the application fee via the following link: Square Payment Link

Instructions for completing the printable application

  1. In the case that you are not able to use the “Fillable PDF”, please download and print the “Printable PDF”
  2. Once printed, please complete each page.
  3. Scan the completed application along with all additions required and send via email to
  4. Hit send
  5. Please do not forget to pay the application fee via the following link: Square Payment Link